Wednesday, December 15, 2010

IGN Is STILL Previewing It's Review of "World of Warcraft: Cataclysm"

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  1. And soon after writing that, they updated their preview of a review...AGAIN. SEVEN PAGES OF THIS SHIT. Seven pages of what is basically "Ha ha! We're getting paid to write about playing World of Warcraft! Fuck the unemployed! YIPPEE!".

    You're a total asshole if you hate something just because it's popular, but I can see where you're coming from.


  2. EIGHT PAGES NOW. And in case you think this is some sorta new "realtime reviewing" thing and IGN isn't just incompetent and can't tell its asshole from a hole in the ground:

    "...and as GROM Hellscream himself pulls up next to you and begins his speech..."

    Remember Grom Hellscream? HE DIED IN WARCRAFT 3. But in case you think knowing that is just a little too nerdy, don't characters have their goddamn names displayed? ESPECIALLY when they goddamn talking?!

    My capslock is sore now...

